

Growing up on a small farm in Saline County, I have always enjoyed working with livestock and crops; 4-H and FFA helped me develop life skills which I use today. After receiving my degree in agricultural education, I taught high school agriculture and advised the Pender FFA Chapter which I thoroughly enjoyed! My husband, Kurt is also an ag teacher and we moved to Fillmore County in 2005 where he is currently the Fillmore Cental ag teacher and FFA advisor.

I joined the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension system in fall of 2005 as an extension educator located in Fillmore County which is in Geneva, NE and in 2016 have had the privilege of adding Clay County to my accountability region. I work primarily in the areas of irrigated crop production and 4-H youth development. My focused area includes integrating agronomic information into youth educational materials and curriculum for teachers and/or 4-H leaders.

In Extension our mission is to provide unbiased, research-based information to our clientele.  Hopefully you will find this blog helpful for answering your agricultural questions.

On a more personal note, I have two daughters, ages 7 and 2 who keep me on my toes and also have a passion for agriculture!


Bachelor of Science, Agriculture Education
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, May 2002

Master’s of Science, Leadership Education
Specialization: Teaching & Extension, Minor: Animal Science
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, August 2005

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